For children in the Nursery, clothes should be practical, comfortable and easy to use for toilet times e.g. jogging bottoms rather than trousers with buttons and zips. Shoes need to be sensible and safe. It is recommended that children wear school sweatshirts and a white polo shirt.

For children in Reception and in Key Stages 1 and 2, the wearing of school uniform is compulsory. The school colour is red. Garments embroidered with the school logo can be purchased from Greenswear, in Cleethorpes. Red sweatshirts/cardigans and white polo shirts without the school logo can be purchased from a number of local outlets. Grey or black trousers/skirts and black shoes complete the uniform. In summer, red gingham check dresses or grey/black shorts may be worn.

When buying shoes, please consider the problems young children have in tying shoelaces. Velcro fastenings can increase their daily independence in changing their footwear.

Children may wear black shorts and a school PE top and hoodie which can be purchased from Greenswear. Plain red tshirts can be purchased from a number of local outlets.

Indoor lessons are normally taken barefoot. Throughout the year we endeavour to have at least one session per week of ‘outdoor’ PE and ask that you provide your child with a black sweat shirt, tracksuit type bottoms and trainers/plimsolls.

Please label all your child’s clothes and shoes. It is very difficult to distinguish between identical unnamed sweatshirts, etc. in the event of loss.

We often have good quality second hand uniform available. Please speak to the office staff for more details.


Children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school. If your child has had their ears pierced, then stud earrings would be acceptable to wear to school.

Earrings must be removed for PE lessons, including swimming, for reasons of safety. Staff are not permitted to remove or replace earrings, so it is essential that any child wearing them can both remove and replace them unaided. Please provide a small bag or container so that your child can store their earrings safely. Members of staff are not responsible for your child’s jewellery.

If your child has recently had their ears pierced and are unable to take out their earrings for a period of time, then they will not be able to take part in any PE lessons. May we suggest that the best time to have ears pierced would be at the beginning of the summer holidays so that they have time to be fully healed before the start of the autumn term.

Make up

As a school we feel that it is inappropriate for children to wear make up in school, including nail polish.